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연극과인간의 책/학술

Theather and Space(연극과 공간)

by 연인 2022. 4. 26.




저자: 한국연극학회

정가: 15,000

사양: 신국판(반양장) / 352쪽

출간일: 2005년 8월 30일

ISBN: 89-5786-079-7 93680



한국연극학회에서 만들어진 우리 나라의 연극계의 극작가, 연출가 등의 작가론을 영문판으로 소개되어진 책이다.



Preface Miy-He, Kim / 005


Audio Theatre: The Mediatization of Theatrical Space

Christopher B. Balme 011


Fixity of Place and Freedom of Theatrical/Mental Space: Parallels East and West

Seth L. Wolitz 027


Learning form Traditional Japanese Theatrical Spaces Hiroyuki Shimizu 043


Spatial Text/Spatial Texture Arnold Aronson 057


Romeo and Juliet at The Power Station Sara Granath 077


L'Espace et la Scénographie Patrice Pavis 093


Theatre-in-the-Round: An Old Form for A Modern Korean Theatre

Richard Nichols 119


The Traditional Space Aesthetics of Japanese Architecture and A New Mise-en-Scène

- Experiments in Stage Space by a Contemporary Playwright-Director -

Tomoko Kusuhara Saito 131


How to Look at Theater Space from the Asian Aesthetic Viewpoint

Moon-Hwan Kim 143


The Inheritance of the York Mystery Play onto British Alternative Theatre: Integrative Theatre Space and Theatre Participation

Jong-Seok Kim 161


The Space of Korean Shaman Ritual and Theatrical Expression

Yon-Ho Suh 183


Body Expression and Spatial Interaction of the Characters in Miyal Scene of the Pongsan Mask Dance Drama

Sang-Mi Shin 195


The Space Arrangement of the Royal Ceremony in the Chosun Dynasty

Sun-Hi Shin 233


Production Aesthetics of “Empty Space” in Modern Korean Theater

Hyun-Sook Shin 267


The Spatial Layers of Korean Mask-Dance Theatres

Mee-Won Lee 313


Conflict of Modern and Tradition: Different Concept of Theatrical Space in Traditional and Modern Korean Theatre

Won-Jae Jang 329

'연극과인간의 책 > 학술' 카테고리의 다른 글

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